Home Service Business Insights

Understand the market, stay ahead of trends, and make informed decisions with confidence based on real, actionable data.

Stop Guessing. Start Using Data.

Industry Research

Access comprehensive data and insights about home service industries to make informed business decisions.

Industry Research
  • Marketing overview
  • Market saturation
  • Competition
  • Organic search
  • Seasonality

Company Database

Explore our extensive database of home service companies to benchmark performance and identify opportunities.

Company Database
  • Growth dynamic
  • Number of locations
  • Advertising channels
  • Organic ranking
  • Social networks

Website Checker

Discover valuable insights about home service industry websites and learn where and how your competitors advertise.

Website Checker
  • Google Business Profiles
  • Organic rankings and competitors
  • PPC & Local Ads Insights
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What our users say

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Brian Sooy

Business advisor

I spent about 45 minutes in the platform with a client and studying our client's competition in 2 markets.

It's been helpful. Discovered some orphan GBPs!

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Ori Eldarov

CEO at OffDeal

This is by far the best dashboard to assess market attractiveness of a given geo. Great for scouting acquisition opportunities.

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Fencing Business Owner

Maybe it's because I used to work as a data analyst for a while, but seeing projects like these for the home service industry fires me up.

I owe a lot to this industry and take pride in contributing to it from Sunday to Sunday.

What @dmytrope is building will help a lot of people and businesses in our space, ideally giving them the tools they need to make better decisions. Best of luck!